April 9, 2019

Assassinations (non-JFK edition)

Assassinations (non-JFK edition)

Episode 13

My, my, my. Have two months flown by already? Where does the time go? Thanks for all of your concern–I safely escaped from the clutches of the Chads, though at the loss of significant dignity (and sanity). And to celebrate, I made you a piping hot podcast episode. Hold on. It needs to cool for a few minutes. Don’t burn yourself. This is the first of our two assassination episodes. In part one, we cover a huge swath of very bloody history, culminating in the senseless murders of two important Americans within a few months of each other in 1968. Along the way, we explain why we can know that some victims of assassination were the target of conspiracies (Caesar and Lincoln), while others weren’t (MLK and RFK). We also explore some conspiracy theory cinema in our new Paranoid Strain goes to the Movies segment. Next month, as you would probably... (read more at TheParanoidStrain.com)  

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