Season 5

Oct. 31, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Conclusions

I can't believe it myself, but we actually got to the end of this series. In this one, we get a visit from Computer Guy, who leaves much the worse for wear, check in on the Qanon Children's Crusade, and finally consider the e...

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Oct. 17, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Trump as Q's Messiah--Literally

Here, one episode away from the finish line, we finally consider the question that has haunted theologians for thousands of years. What if the messiah was actually Donald Trump? Yes, we engage with a strange branch of evangel...

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Oct. 3, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Time travelers, plea deals, and the gre…

In this, our antepenultimate Qanon episode, we hear what's almost certainly the weirdest Q story of them all--the tale of Austin Steinbart, a man who believes Q is a future version of himself. Plus, we check in on those forme...

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Sept. 19, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Epstein, butterflies, and the return of…

She has returned to us! Oh, blessed day. Yes, it is with gratitude that we say goodbye to Elena Pegasus and hello to our very own mythical horse lady, freshly returned from her monthlong European summer sojurn. MUST BE NICE. ...

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Sept. 6, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Q invades Deutschland and Down Under

One day later than you might have expected, due to the Labor Day holiday, we're wrapping up our Q world tour with a couple of scenic stops in Australia and Germany to learn how our favorite home-grown American nonsense has im...

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Aug. 22, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Romana Didulo, The Q-ueen of Canada

The terrifying reign of Elena Pegasus continues! Seriously, though, our guest co-host once again joins us to explore another truly bizarre story from the annals of Qanon. This one is Romana Didulo, the self-proclaimed Queen o...

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Aug. 8, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Elena Pegasus explains "Let's Go Brando…

Don't Panic! Our lovely Dana Unicorn is on monthlong European vacation (MUST BE NICE! I'm not bitter), and the wonderful Elena Pegasus, her cousin, has stepped into the breach as we detail the fallout of Russiagate, and how i...

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July 25, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Maybe the "Russia Hoax" was...kind of f…

This time, I'm maybe gonna hit some of you where it hurts. By "some of you", I mean "those of you who like me loathe Trump and want to believe every bad story about him, and have trouble admitting we may have been wrong about...

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July 11, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Q, The Clinton Body Count, and the COVI…

Hi everybody. This time, as promised, we actually get back to talking about the last few years of Qanon. But not until we reveal the cordwood stacks of bodies that Bill and Hillary supposedly left in their bloody path to powe...

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June 20, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - The Clintons and the Vast Right-Wing Q-…

Greetings from the PAST! I have uploaded this show early, because I'm on what we like to call "vacation." However, the content wheel never stops spinning, and so today you will hear all about Glenn Beck's Agenda 21 freakout (...

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June 6, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Black helicopters over Iron Mountain

Miss us? Well, we missed YOU! But we appreciate your bearing with us during our post-Upon A Red Horse break. Our batteries recharged, we continue our discussion of the New World Order panic of the 90s and how it led directly ...

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April 11, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - The Q World Order

Action packed, that's the only word for it. This time, we start with the greatest conspiracy-slash-prophecy show around, Newswatch Magazine with David J Smith. Next, we talk about what, exactly, the New World Order is, and ho...

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March 28, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Portrait of the Jesuit as a young consp…

Yeah, this is kind of a weird one. Starts with a deconstruction of the two versions of the Christian End of the World novel Left Behind, then follows with an analysis of the weird shit young Jesuit listened to back in his 20s...

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March 15, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - How Trump had the Clintons executed (ac…

We're a day late, but boy howdy do we have some nonsense to share with you. Learn how the book of Revelation apparently predicted modern attack helicopters. And how Christian and Jewish zealots are working together to raise s...

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Feb. 28, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - The Antichrist and Qanon

When we started this series, who thought we would be doing a multi-episode detour into the Book of Revelation? Certainly not your fearful host. But the more we got into this topic, the more we realized that end-times fanatici...

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Feb. 14, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - The Book of Revelation, and why the wor…

Yeah, there's still a little sex-trafficking teaser at the beginning of this one, but it also inaugurates our next topic. That is--how did the apocalyptic year-2000 obsessions of the 90s seed the ground for the eschatological...

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Jan. 31, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - How conspiracy-driven panics ruin lives

We said last episode was our final Satanic Panic episode, and we meant it! At least, mostly--we still have to wrap up the surprising and awful story of how our interviewee, Justin Sledge, found himself caught up in a late-bre...

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Jan. 17, 2023

New! Qanon: How we got here - Confessing to imaginary crimes

The Paranoid Strain? They still do episodes of that show? Will wonders never cease. Sorry we're late. I promise, we weren't being neglectful. We just got caught up in a combination of holiday obligations, ongoing research, an...

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Dec. 13, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - The media does PR for the Satanic Panic

Our de facto holiday episode is here, not that there's anything notably Christmassy about it. Or even Hannukah-y. We continue to lift up the rocks of the Satanic Panic and watch the horrible worms and bugs squirm in the disin...

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Nov. 29, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - Phallic puppets against satanic pederas…

We're waist-deep in Satanic Panic, with no end in sight. Our story continues with details of the McMartin preschool trial, the highest-profile, most emblematic event of the whole sad, deluded era. Our expert interviewees walk...

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Nov. 15, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - Welcome to Satan's daycare

You asked for it, you got it. The 80s Satanic Panic--especially related to supposedly abusive daycares, was a direct antecedent to the Qanon child abuse/sacrifice mania. So we dive into the whole icky story. Joining us is int...

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Nov. 1, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - How the blood libel mutated into the Sa…

Last stop before our full, multi-part discussion of the Satanic Panic of the 80s and early 90s. This stop is back in the depths of antisemitism, the miasma from which so many conspiracies arise. Learn how the unsolved murder ...

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Oct. 18, 2022

New! Qanon: How we got here - Just a smidgeon of human sacrifice

Out with the old, in with the new. In this case, no more Birchers of fluoride--we've moved on to other Q-related topics. This time, we're taking a long windup to get to the Satanic Panic period of the 80s and early 90s in the...

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