Jan. 1, 2017

Welcome to the Paranoid Strain

Welcome to the Paranoid Strain

Episode 1

An Introduction: Interviewee–Lane Greene Hello and welcome to the inaugural episode of The Paranoid Strain, your skeptical guide to conspiracy theories. For our first foray, we’re going to try to stake out the ground that this series will cover. What do we mean by conspiracy theories? What are the historical precedents for modern day conspiracies? What sorts of ideas and attitudes might people who believe in this sort of thinking share? Is America uniquely prone to conspiracist thinking? We’ll provide our answers to all of the above. And make jokes. Thanks for listening. Subscribe to the show at iTunes, on Pocketcasts, on Stitcher, or any of your other favorite platforms. And if you’re an iTunes user, please do rate and review us. It’s super-helpful, and we’ll love you forever. If you’ve got comments, suggestions, or really any feedback, please contact us by email at theparanoidstrain at gmail dot com, on... (read more at TheParanoidStrain.com)  

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